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John V. Hobday
CEO and Founder
HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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$1.5M "Dementia Training to Impact CMS Indicators" Grant Funded

INNEAPOLIS, MN—August 25, 2006. HealthCare Interactive, Inc’s (HCI) is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of a three-year, $1.5M Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institute on Aging entitled, "Dementia Training to Impact CMS Indicators."

According to John Hobday, President of HealthCare Interactive, "This three-year research effort will be conducted in conjunction with researchers from the University of Minnesota School of Nursing and the national office of the Alzheimer’s Association. It’s primary purpose is to develop an online training protocol for Certified Nursing Assistants [CNAs] in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and then to demonstrate a measurable impact on the government’s CMS [Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services] indicators of quality care."

Once completed, the training program will undergo a one-year, comprehensive Randomized Control Trial (RCT) with professional caregivers nationwide. CNA Research participants will be asked to fill out a pre-test of knowledge before completing the training program, and then a series of other post tests to evaluate knowledge gain, burden reduction, and overall satisfaction with the training. A control group will complete all post testing, but will be "controlled" by not receiving the training program education. A comparison results will be conducted by the University of Minnesota. Results will be made available through HCI’s website as well as through appropriate journal articles.

The CARES program is an innovative, web-based learning program for direct care workers and other staff who care for those with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. This training program is unique from other dementia training programs because it specifically incorporates and teaches the CARES approach, a trademarked method of providing care for residents with dementia: Connect with the Resident, Assess Behavior, Respond Appropriately, Evaluate What Works, Share with the Team.

Specific information about this effort can be accessed at www.caresProgram.com.

For general company information, visit www.hcinteractive.com, or call 952-848-8091.

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