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John V. Hobday
CEO and Founder
HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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Media Department and
National Sales

HealthCare Interactive, Inc.
8800 Highway 7
Suite 331
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 928-7722

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HCI Hosts Booth at the Multi-Cultural Health Fair for Seniors

ST. PAUL, MN—February 14, 2007. HealthCare Interactive, Inc. (HCI) was pleased to exhibit at the Payne-Phalen Living At Home/Block Nurse Program "Love Yourself" health fair at the First Covenant Church in St. Paul, MN this Valentine's Day.

The health fair was attended by over 100 area seniors and featured a free blood pressure clinic, free cholesterol screenings, free osteoporosis screenings, free macular degeneration screenings, and a free lunch!

HealthCare Interactive President John Hobday attended the health fair, talked to area seniors and their family members about memory loss, and gave away free copies of HCI's Alzheimer's Caregiving Strategies CD-ROM to attendees.

Payne-Phalen Living At Home/Block Nurse Program is one of 41 Living at Home/Block Nurse Programs in Minnesota and North Dakota serving over 250 low and moderate-income elders (65 and older) and their families including 163 Caucasians, 52 Latinos, 45 Hmong and 5 African Americans. The program's mission is to build a "circle of care" around the diverse elders on St. Paul\'s East Side keeping them healthy and safe in their homes. It is estimated that in 2005, the program kept 45 elders out of nursing homes at an estimated savings to taxpayers of over $1.9 million (Cost & Services Analysis Report, www.elderberry.org).

For additional information about the Payne-Phalen Living At Home/Block Nurse Program, visit www.blocknurse.org/payne/about.php.

For information about HCI and it's learning programs, visit www.hcinteractive.com, or call 952-848-8091.

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